Thursday, March 6, 2014

Wow!  6 months have slipped by!  Let's get updated.
I am polishing up the last of my geology classes, and loving it.  Loving being done.  I have had my fill of school in a way I never would have believed before.  It's hard, but fun, but I just want to be done and get back to a daily routine that doesn't change.  I want to generate a dependable income for a while, my family deserves that.
And then there's this...
the graduate program with which I have had the best contact has expressed an interest in bringing me in.  The advisor I chose says he wants me to attend, and asked if my application could be adjusted ever so slightly to make it more likely I will be accepted.  (simply a change of the program to which I applied, same degree, same advisor, same projects I'll be working on, just a nomenclature issue).

Now it gets tenser...

Also this:
the job at which I interned last summer has contacted me to notify me that the job posting I trained for is now up, so I applied within 5 minutes of its posting.  They want me also, and although it's not a sure thing until I have an offer letter in my hand, ..., it looks pretty good.

I want both.  What to do...what to do...
more later...

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